Iidabashi Cross Partners, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “our company”) has established a basic policy on information security to maintain and improve information security, which is one of the important issues in our business activities, in order to continue to be a trusted company and fulfill our responsibilities to society.
1. Development and compliance with various rules regarding information security
In order to comply with this basic policy, we will establish rules such as regulations and guidelines, and ensure that they are followed, in order to comply with all laws, regulations, etc. related to our business activities.
2. Establishment of an information security management system
In order to implement information security measures appropriately and reliably, we will clarify the system and responsibilities. Under the information security management system, as a member of society, we will provide appropriate information and actively collect information from external information security organizations.
3. Education on information security
In order to implement information security measures appropriately and reliably, our company will strive to raise awareness through education and training.
4. Continuous improvement of information security measures
In order to respond to new information security risks such as changes in legal and regulatory requirements and cyber-attacks, our company will strive to continuously improve its various measures by reviewing them as necessary based on risk assessments.
5. Preservation and protection of information assets
In order to protect all of our important information assets from all threats, we will implement risk assessments and management measures and will regularly review risks and make improvements as necessary.
In the event of an accident, we will minimize the impact by promptly implementing initial response measures to prevent further damage, and we will work to prevent a recurrence.
1)Compliance with Laws and Regulations
2)Our company will comply with laws, requirements, regulations, rules, and contractual obligations related to information security.
3)Review and Improvement
Our company will conduct regular internal audits to confirm that information assets are being managed appropriately and will verify the results of these audits. Furthermore, we will continuously improve our information security management system by taking into account changes in information security both inside and outside the company.
Iidabashi Cross Partners Inc.
CEO, Masaki Hasegawa
Transforming Work through Investment in the Future.
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